National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Celebrating Big Sister Theresa and Little Sister Liz

National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Celebrating Big Sister Theresa and Little Sister Liz

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, we're shining a spotlight on one of our most heartwarming matches at Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge: Big Sister Theresa and her Little Sister Liz. Since 2017, Theresa and Liz have shared countless memorable experiences, from leisurely outings to bookstores like Barnes & Noble to enjoyable dinners together. This week, we honor Theresa's dedication as a Big Sister and the significant impact she has made on Liz’s life.

A Journey of Growth and Friendship

Theresa and Liz's journey began over six years ago and has flourished into a deep and enduring friendship. Theresa's influence has been profound, inspiring Liz to explore new horizons by encouraging her to try out for various sports, including lacrosse. This encouragement has not only helped Liz develop her athletic skills but also boosted her confidence and social interactions.

More Than Just Mentoring

The bond between Theresa and Liz extends beyond typical mentorship; Theresa was warmly welcomed into Liz's family and even participated in significant family events, such as Liz’s Quinceañera—a testament to the deep connection they have forged. Their relationship exemplifies the true spirit of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, which aims to foster lasting relationships that continue to enrich both the mentor's and the mentee's lives.

An Ongoing Connection

As Theresa prepares to move out of the Charlottesville area, both she and Liz are committed to maintaining their connection. They plan to stay in touch through calls and text messages, continuing to support and inspire each other despite the distance. This ongoing commitment underscores the lasting impact of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, where many matches, like Theresa and Liz, keep in touch for years, celebrating each other's milestones and achievements.

Be a Part of Something Bigger

Theresa’s story with Liz highlights the transformative power of mentoring and the lifelong friendships that can emerge from it. If you're inspired by Theresa and Liz’s story and are considering ways to make a positive impact in a young person’s life, we invite you to join our community of mentors. Apply online to become a Big and help us continue to foster these invaluable relationships that change lives for the better.

Happy National Volunteer Week, and a huge thank you to Big Sister Theresa and all our volunteers for their incredible contributions!


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National Volunteer Week 2024